After Colony 3

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Illustration created by Brian S. Kissinger (c)1999-2001

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A Ripple in Time

In the year After Colony 3, A group of radical space travellers descended upon the earth to share thier mad vision. With the future-present upon us all, we found it wasn't so mad, but sweet. Sweet like cain on our tongues as we licked fresh stalks.

Out of the crumbling mess that had become what they were, these individuals ascended like heroes after a day of battle. Shining like bright suns scorching all that entered thier light.

This is an experience not to be taken lightly but to be absorbed like low powered energy pulses into a strong receptor array. It has happened. It has come. It is the year.....After Colony 3!

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After Colony 3: The Premiere Original Rock Band
AC3's brand of post-rock alternative junk-pop coupled with the combined musical talents of it's members instantly puts them light years ahead of contemporary artists, while propelling them deeply into the hearts of thier listeners. Utilizing the latest sonic technologies and the oldest musical philosophies, AC3 has fused simple pop chord sets with technical ingenuity, forming a texturally rich soundscape even a small child could traverse at length. Deep, thoughtful lyrics and gripping melodies pepper the layout, rounding out the sound and enveloping the listener into this strange universe these lads have created. Like stepping through a strange time portal to a continuance far off in the future, we invite you to join with us, the year...After Colony 3.

Illustration created by Brian S. Kissinger (c)1999-2001 Command Crew

Angus Wilson - Captain, Cybernetic Brain, Lead Vocalist and Keyboards (including loops and other scientific noises)

Paul Simonson - First Officer, Mechanical Heart and Drums

Chris Shempp - Science Officer, Genetically Manipulated Implants and Guitars

Tommy Ryzuk - Chief Engineer, Organic Rock Guts and Bass

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Click on the link at the top of this page to find out more about LESTER SCROGGINS and the "House on the Moon" CD.

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